Fall has definitely come to the ranch. We’ve had our first snow flurries up on the Diamonds. While it has mostly all melted away now, it was gorgeous to see and a definite harbinger of more storms to come. The leaves are each day becoming more and more colorful. Reds, yellows, orange and rust intensify with the crisp arrival of each new morn. The cows and horses are all growing a little more shaggy as they put on their winter coats. And while we have not yet begun to feed them their winter rations they seem to be keeping an eye in our direction perhaps anticipating some soon morning to come when Brandon and his tractor will arrive with loads of hay. Even the pigs grow a little hairier and are definitely eating more with the cooler weather….if that is possible. Lady, Louie and Meeko the Wonder Dog are a bit bushier and absolutely a bit chunkier as they get ready for winter. So as fall settles in we are reminded anew of how quickly the days go by. Wasn’t it just last week that the happy sounds of camp filled this place. What a great summer it was! Not a day goes by that we don’t remember and retell a story of joy and delight from last summer. There are always echoes that return from a distant hill of “bon dee lay ee lay!” Or when the wind blows and the dinner bell lightly catches a clang, our minds drift to warm memories of all the life we lived together here. Thanks again for helping make summer 2019 so special. We will be in touch and never hesitate to shoot us an email or a text. We’d love to hear from you. Enjoy each an every moment. Life is a precious gift. Aj Yepekanbe !
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