

Daily Activities

Serendipity and flexibility are essential to our program – designed to allow each camper the ability to style the program according to what they want to do. Therefore, there is no pre-registration before camp for any of our activities. Campers choose which activity to participate in 2 to 4 times each weekday. We encourage campers to try as many new and different activities as possible, but in the end it’s still their choice.

We view activities as a vessel of the fun and growth of camp. Depending on how a camper chooses to spend their days, they may not get to go to every activity offered. Further, sometimes campers will choose not to go to an activity available to them for various reasons (not in the mood, their friend isn’t going, etc.) only to realize at the end of the session that their opportunity had passed and they missed out on that activity they really wanted to go to. This is all apart of the growth and development of camp. 

Out Trips

Out trips are considered a special activity as it is a day trip away from camp and includes Water Sports, The Lassen Tourist Trip, and The Desert Trip. Due to the short duration of our two week sessions (only 6 out trip activity days!) – each camper is only guaranteed ONE* out trip per session. 

* Weather dependent. Sometimes, high winds limit the days we can go to Lake Almanor for water sports, in turn limiting the overall number of campers that get to go. Unfortunately, weather cannot be predicted or controlled.

All-Camp Activities

Weekends and evenings are spent as a whole camp family in different all-camp activities, including Color Wars, Dances, Campfires, Movie Nights, Sunset Hikes, and so much more. The entire camp participates in these events; however, each camper still gets to choose what role they will have in the events.

The Overnight is an all-camp – divided by boys and girls – one night camp out trip, on the first Tuesday of each two-week session. It is an incredibly bonding experience that many campers eagerly anticipate and remember fondly. 

Click on a picture below to learn more!


Animal Care


Arts & Crafts




Color Wars




High Ropes

Horseback Riding


Mountain Biking

Out Trips




The Overnight

Water Sports

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