August 2024 Update
In 2021, as a result of the multi-layered approach of our protocols, we were able to celebrate a completely COVID-free camp experience.
In 2022, we celebrated a second COVID-free camp for our campers and resident staff. We had our first COVID cases of the pandemic when two of our support kitchen staff contracted COVID on a day-off. We implemented quarantine and testing protocols and observed no spread beyond these isolated cases.
In 2023, we did not require any vaccination, testing, or masking. In other words, we operated camp “normally”.
2024 COVID-19 Anticipated Response
Our goal continues to be offering a camp program that is as close to normal, pre-pandemic, operations as possible while keeping the health of our camp family the top priority. COVID-19, and other communicable illnesses are ever-present considerations to summer camp communal living.
We rely on parents to ensure that campers are healthy before they travel to camp. Camp life is one lived in close community, as such there are many contagious illnesses (including COVID, lice, strep throat, flu, Norovirus, and more) that we want to keep out of our community.
Please do not send your child to camp if they are feeling ill, have a fever, present with flu-like symptoms, and/or have been exposed to someone who is ill. We will continue to do a thorough health check of all campers arriving at camp. If your camper is ill at camp, you (or another designated responsible adult) may be required to pick up your child within 12-24 hours depending on the illness and it’s severity.
While we encourage COVID vaccination, we are not requiring the vaccine for our campers or staff.
At this time, we anticipate no masking or COVID testing (pre-arrival or during camp) for the summer of 2023. We have learned over the past few summers, however, that masking and/or testing may be required if there is a significant risk of exposure at the time of your child’s camp session. We will have rapid tests and masks on-hand to implement in the event they are needed.
We are not comfortable sending our camper to camp this summer, what is the cancellation policy?
If you are unsure or uncomfortable about sending your camper to camp this summer, please see our cancellation policy here. We no longer have a cancellation policy in place for COVID-specific situations and will enforce our standard cancellation policy for ALL instances of cancellation.
How did you determine your protocols and procedures for COVID-19 at MMR this summer?
We have been well versed in the CDC, ACA, and CDPH guidance and requirements for camp programs since the beginning of the pandemic. We continue to work regularly to review and make updates to ensure that our program and protocols are the safest and most up-to-date possible given the continually evolving world in which we live.
Are you requiring staff or your campers to be vaccinated?
Per CDC recommendations for summer camps, we are strongly encouraging all members of our camp community who are eligible to receive their vaccination(s), but vaccination is not required to join MMR.
What if my child has a condition that may mimic the symptoms of COVID-19?
Please update your camper’s health form to indicate their condition and the symptoms to our Health Care staff.